Thursday, December 12, 2013

Interview questions and answers

Interview questions and answers on computer

What is assembly language?
Answer: A low level programming language.

In which menu replace option is available?
Answer: Edit menu.

What is the base of the binary system?
Answer: 2

What type of keys are "ctrl" and "shift"?
Answer: Modifier.

What is the name of the main system board of a computer?
Answer: Mother board.

Interview questions and answers on E-commerce

SET protocol is used for which purpose?
Answer: Credit card payment.

How Digital signature is implemented?
Answer: Public and Private key.

Interview questions and answers on History

In which year the Battle of Plassey held?
Answer: 1757

In which year kalinga was fought in?
Answer: 261 BC

Interview questions and answers on Chemistry

What is the first artificial element in the world?
Answer: Technetium

What is the name of the lightest metal?
Answer: Lithium

What is the name of the lightest gas?
Answer: Hydrogen

Tag: Interview preparation, Interview questions and answers, questions, Interview tips

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